44% of secondary schools in Mayo record decrease in the amount of graduates going to third level education

December 10, 2024 | 11:10 am

Secondary School 3

44% of secondary schools in County Mayo have recorded a decrease in the amount of Leaving Cert students that have gone on to third level education.

Today’s Irish Independent Feeder Schools 2024 report shows details of how many pupils sat the Leaving Cert in each school across the country, how many went on to third level, and where the students went to.

Out of the 25 Mayo secondary schools included in the survey, 13 recorded an increase in the percentage of students that went on to third level.

100% of graduates from Mount St. Michael Secondary School, Claremorris and St. Mary’s Secondary School, Ballina went on to third level education at the start of this academic term.

95% of those who completed the Leaving Cert over the summer in St. Joseph’s, Castlebar went on to third level. All three of the top schools on the list are all girls schools.

The most successful all boys’ school was St. Colman’s, Claremorris, where 84% went on to third level – an increase of 8% on 2023.

Just one school in the county had the same percentage as the year previous – that was Ballinrobe Community School with 84%.

11 schools (44%) recorded a decrease in the percentage of students going to third level.

On saying that, the Sacred Heart school in Westport (all girls) remained high on the list with 91%, while Coláiste Pobail Acla went from all students from the 2023 Leaving Cert going on to third level to 88%.

The greatest percentage decreases in the amount of Leaving Cert students going to third level was recorded in St. Muradech’s, Ballina (all boys) with the percentage going from 83% down to 55%.

More information can be found in today’s Irish Independent, and also from the following link:


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