€900,000 has been allocated for the expansion of DEIS Gaeltachta Scholarship

September 24, 2024 | 10:17 am


€900,000 has been allocated to expand the scholarship fund for students in DEIS post-primary schools to attend Irish language courses in the Gaeltacht during next summer.

The DEIS Gaeltachta Scheme started in 2019 when 50 scholarships were available under the Scheme.

Under the additional fund that has been approved, over 800 students per year from DEIS post-primary schools across the country will be able to benefit from Irish-language learning courses in the Gaeltacht.

The scholarship for a three-week course that will be provided under the fund is worth up to €950 or 85% of the total course fee.

The scheme will be administered on behalf of the Department by the Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board (GRETB) as has been the case since 2019.

It is expected that the GRETB will start accepting applications for the DEIS Gaeltachta scholarships from the beginning of next month.


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