A memorial to the late Private Billy Kedian will be unveiled this Saturday in Ballyhaunis

July 17, 2024 | 3:16 pm


A memorial to the late Private Billy Kedian will be unveiled this Saturday in Ballyhaunis.

Private Kedian’s family, defence forces comrades, local representatives and friends will be present at the event, which commences at 12pm. 

Minister Jennifer Carroll MacNeill will be in attendance representing the Tánaiste and Minister for Defence, Micháel Martin. 

The Ballyhaunis native’s bravery was displayed when his post was under fire in Lebanon in 1999, and he voluntarily risked his own safety to ensure the security and safety of his comrades by waking and directing them to the bunkers.

It was at this stage that Private Kedian was hit with shrapnel from a mortar round. His bravery saved the lives of 14 young men. 

The Defence Forces have yet to honour his heroic deed, which his family and comrades see as disappointing.


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