After nine years of waiting works will commence tomorrow on the Crossmolina Flood Relief Scheme

December 4, 2024 | 12:28 pm

Michael Loftus New

After nine years of waiting, works will commence on the Crossmolina Flood Relief Scheme tomorrow.

The multi-million euro investment has long been in the pipeline since the devastating flooding in December 2015.

Crossmolina based Fianna Fail Councillor Michael Loftus has today told Midwest News that the OPW Machinery will be on site tomorrow to start works.

Cllr. Loftus says environmental concerns slowed the project down but there is huge relief now that the scheme has finally been given the green light.

It will take approximately three years for the scheme to be completed.

Cllr. Loftus has been giving more details to Midwest News.

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