Ahead of next week’s budget, local independent radio stations call on government for “fair play” in its support for Public Service Content

September 27, 2024 | 10:21 am


The AGM of Ireland’s independent radio stations has unanimously expressed its deep concerns about accessibility to fair support for the sector’s Public Service Content and has called for urgent action on a level playing-field in the media sector.

The Independent Broadcasters of Ireland is composed of all the 34 independent radio stations, including Midwest Radio, who together make up 70% of radio listenership in Ireland and have over 2.5 million daily listeners.

 The nation’s independent radio stations met yesterday for their AGM. They reiterated their call for the Government to take urgent action, and said that the proposed support Schemes are “unfit for purpose”.  There is currently zero state support for the core news and current affairs services in the sector.

The Chief Executive of the Independent Broadcasters of Ireland, Michael Kelly has been speaking to Midwest News Editor Teresa O’Malley about the urgency of the stations’ present plea to government…


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