Ahead of the Bank Holiday weekend, the CEO of Drinkaware, insists the only way to remove alcohol from your system is through time

October 24, 2024 | 8:55 am

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Drinkaware, the national independent charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse, is providing the public with information and advice to help ensure a safe October Bank Holiday weekend on our roads. 

Drinkaware is urging people to understand the risks of drinking and driving the morning after consuming alcohol, as well as the time required to process alcohol. This Bank Holiday weekend, Drinkaware aims to debunk any myths about the time it takes to sober up, reminding the public that the only way to remove alcohol from the body is time. 

Drinkaware CEO Dearbhla O’Brien is urging the public to get the facts about alcohol and never drink and drive. She insists that the only way to remove alcohol from your system is time and that unless you have allowed your body one hour to process one standard drink, you are not safe to drive.

Midwest News Editor Teresa O’Malley asked Dearbhla if  she believes that many people are not aware of the time it takes for the effects of alcohol wear off – making it safe to drive…


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