ATU to become the second provider of Veterinary Medicine education in Ireland

September 19, 2024 | 10:25 am


Atlantic Technological University has been selected as the second provider in Ireland to offer Veterinary Medicine education.

Currently, the only course in Ireland is in UCD and only 90 places are offered on a yearly basis.

The new programme will be based on ATU’s Donegal campus with parts of the course being provided at Mountbellew Agricultural College.

The programme will take in its first tranche of students in September of next year, with 30 places being offered in its first year, with hopes to increase capacity in the years following.

Agriculture Minister Charlie McConalogue has been working with Higher Education Minister Patrick O’Donovan to create the new course, which will have a strong focus on large animal care.

Minister McConalogue has been giving more information on the new course to Midwest Radio’s Alannah Nolan….

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