Ballinrobe cllr calls for ‘extortionate’ multiple meter water charges to be abolished

September 10, 2024 | 11:06 am

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A Mayo County councillor has described multiple meter charges for water as “extortion” and says that it is an issue that has to be dealt with.

Rural farmers, according to Ballinrobe cllr Damien Ryan, are suffering from the implementation of this charge which he says is the equivalent of an electricity company charging you based on the number of light switches in your house.

He says that a scheme whereby the farmer pays based on the volume of water used is a more fair solution.

At yesterday’s monthly meeting of Mayo County Council, cllr Ryan asked the council to pass a resolution which calls on all parties in advance of the General Election to give a firm commitment to rural Ireland to abolish these charges.

The Fianna Fáil cllr received overwhelming support from his fellow councillors on the matter, and is now seeking to meet with all political party leaders.

Furthermore, he wants all farmers who have been affected by this “ridiculous” charge to be reimbursed.

Cllr Ryan has been outlining his concern on the matter to Midwest Radio’s Rian Bailey:


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