Castlebar councillor raises concern over potential impact of the release of farmed salmon in Galway will have on stocks in Mayo rivers

October 23, 2024 | 8:30 am

Harry Barrett

A substantial release of farmed salmon from a cage in Killary Harbour, Galway,  last August and its potential impactson salmon stocks in Mayo rivers was raised by Castlebar councillor Harry Barratt at the October monthly meeting of Mayo county Council.

On August 13th last, the Dept of Agriculture and Marine received notification from a licensee that there had been an escape of salmon at a site in the Co Galway harbour. The licensee advised that a damaged cage had been repaired. The department’s marine engineering division was preparing a report on the incident.

Independent councillor Harry Barrett now wants that report and a report from Inland Fisheries Ireland on the impact of the escape on salmon stocks locally.

This salmon farm is operated by Mannin Bay Salmon Company.

Salmon farm licensees must notify DAFM and IFI within 24 hours when an escape occurs.

Cllr Barrett wants clarification on what plan or measures have been implemented to recapture the escapees and to ensure such an incident does not reoccur.

He told  Midwest News Editor Teresa O’Malley why answers are now needed on what happened and its consequences…

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