Castlebar teacher ordered by judge to appear before High Court

August 30, 2024 | 1:54 pm

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Castlebar school teacher Enoch Burke has been ordered to appear before the High Court.

This is in accordance with claims that he has breached a court order by attending the secondary school where he used to work.

Wilson’s Hospital School in Multyfarnham, Co. Westmeath asked the court to jail Mr. Burke, saying that he had been attending the school since it reopened for this term.

His attendance at the school is in breach of a permanent injunction, which directs him to stay away.

The court heard that Mr. Burke’s continued presence at the school was stressful and disruptive for staff and students, according to RTÉ.

Furthermore, the court was told that unknown third parties who showed up outside the school and on the school grounds in support of Mr. Burke were posing a health and safety issue to staff and students.

Mr. Justice Barry O’Donnell ruled that after reading submissions by the school it was clear that Mr. Burke had a case to answer in regard to being in contempt of court.

(pic credit to RTÉ) 

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