Councillor calls for ‘ongoing bureaucracy’ of Ballyhaunis travel funding to be sorted out urgently

August 17, 2024 | 11:39 am


A Mayo councillor has highlighted the large amount of funding that the Ballyhaunis area continues to miss out on for the development of its road structures.

Aontú cllr Paul Lawless says that the ‘ongoing bureaucracy’ that prevents Ballyhaunis projects from receiving the funding needed, must be sorted out urgently.

This is in relation to  €110,000 that was allocated to Ballyhaunis in the 2023 Active Travel Fund for Mayo which has since been withdrawn by the National Transport Authority.

Previous to this, he says that €170,000 was allocated in 2021 as part of the Smarter Travel Fund, which was withdrawn by the NTA in 2022.

Funding is being pulled from these projects, according to cllr Lawless, because the NTA see the schemes as not ambitious enough, and they need to provide more benefits to the area.

He is looking to set up a meeting with the Active Travel Department at Mayo County Council and the NTA.

Cllr Lawless has been speaking to Midwest Radio’s Rian Bailey:

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