Defibrillator at the summit of Croagh Patrick should be repaired within two weeks after been vandalised in recent days

December 6, 2024 | 7:45 am

defib croagh patrick

The defibrillator at the summit of Croagh Patrick is currently out of service after it was vandalised in recent days. 

Gardai are continue to investigate the incident.

Darren Forde, the creator of the Eco Powered Cabinets which store the defibrillators on the mountain, says it’s deeply disappointing to see this level of vandalism.

Defibrillators administer electric current to the heart and are used in medical emergencies. 

Darren Forde has been telling Midwest News that there has been a wonderful outpouring of support from people willing to help since the incident took place.

He is hopeful that defibrillator on the top of the reek will be back in action within two weeks.

He has been giving more details to Midwest Radio’s Michael D. McAndrew.

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