Despite the rise in road deaths this year, traffic fines in this Garda district have decreased by almost 30% in three years

September 2, 2024 | 11:43 am

Taffic check point 3 scaled

The number of people who have died on Irish roads in 2024 currently stands at 126.

That’s one more than the figure during the same period last year, with the final total of road deaths in 2023 coming to 184.

According to figures from the Department of Justice, the road death toll in 2020 stood at 145, which represents a 27% increase over three years.

While road fatalities have greatly increased in the three year time frame, the amount of fines issued to motorists has decreased significantly.

Almost 48,000 fewer fines were issued by Gardaí to motorists last year when compared to 2020, which represents a national decrease of 14%.

Road traffic offence rates have decreased in 17 of the 22 division across the country, with the greatest fall recorded in Wexford/ Wicklow where the number of fines lessened by 41%.

A significant decrease in offences was also observed in the Mayo/ Roscommon/ Longford division, which shows that the amount of fines decreased by 29% over three years.

Sligo/ Leitrim was just one of five divisions where the amount of fines increased during the period.

More information on these figures is available in today’s Irish Independent.


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