Despite the severe shortage of accommodation available in Mayo at present, there’s been a poor uptake of a Failte Ireland grant to address the crisis

September 5, 2024 | 6:52 am

Peter Flynn

The Business Support Grant for Activities and Attractions was announced in Budget 2024 to help businesses situated in areas where more than 15% of accommodation is being used to support Ukrainian refugees.

County Mayo was among the areas that meets that criteria.

However, just €200,000 of a €2 million Fáilte Ireland grant that was intended to directly help tourism businesses affected by bed shortages has been paid out. The remaining €1.8 million was reallocated to Failte Ireland’s own campaigns this year, as just five businesses out of 19 that applied were approved for the funding.

To qualify for the grant, a business had to experience a 30% drop in turnover in 2023 when compared to its “inflation adjusted” turnover in 2019.

Fáilte Ireland said that fewer businesses than it had initially anticipated qualified to receive the grant.

However, Westport based Fine Gael councillor Peter Flynn says the scheme was poorly promoted by Failte Ireland and that explains the lack of funding paid out.

The councillor has been speaking to Midwest Radio News Editor Teresa O’Malley and says it’s no surprise the response was low despite the clear problem the lack of bed nights available in the county is severely impacting on local businesses…


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