Fine Gael issue statement in connection with expulsion of Cllr. Patsy O’Brien

November 26, 2024 | 3:37 pm

Patsy O Brien

Fine Gael have this lunchtime issued a statement in connection with the expulsion of former Fine Gael member Councillor Patsy O’Brien four years ago.


The statement reads that following consultation with a former female Oireachtas staff member who made a complaint against Councillor Patsy O’Brien, Fine Gael can, in agreement with this individual, confirm, that Fine Gael received a complaint concerning Councillor O’Brien repeatedly sending her unsolicited pornographic material, which was degrading and graphic in nature. This caused serious upset, alarm and distress to her.


A Fine Gael hearing found Councillor O’Brien acted in a manner which was contrary to the code of conduct of the Fine Gael party and expelled him from membership of the party.


The former staff member has asked Fine Gael to relay that their privacy be fully and absolutely respected and no further contact be made with her by media outlets. The individual does not wish to see any material published which risks identifying her.


Midwest News has contacted Councillor O’Brien for comment and we are awaiting a response.

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