Fine Gael offcially select two more candidates to represent them in Mayo in the upcoming GE

October 11, 2024 | 9:24 am

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Martina Jennings and Cllr Mark Duffy have officially been selected by Fine Gael to represent the party in the Mayo constituency at the next General Election.


Fine Gael has now chosen 68 General Election candidates in 41 constituencies.

Mrs Jennings and Councillor Duffy were added to the Mayo ticket alongside Minister Alan Dillon and Keira Keogh, following a meeting of Fine Gael’s Executive Council last night (Thursday).


In a statement today from the Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation , where Martina Jennings is the oranisation’s CEO they say: 

“From the date the General Election is announced, CEO of Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation, Martina Jennings, will be taking a leave of absence from her role to run in the election. 

Martina has been a driving force behind the establishment of both the Mayo Hospice and Roscommon Hospice, ensuring both facilities became operational and phenomenally successful. She has also been pivotal in shaping future plans, while maintaining the highest standards of governance and compliance”. 


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