Free walk-in measle vaccination clinics are available over the next two weeks at locations in Mayo, Roscommon and Sligo

July 16, 2024 | 11:43 am


The Department of Public Heath, HSE West and North West, strongly recommend everyone eligible for the MMR Vaccine is fully vaccinated as this is the only protection against measles.

There are a number of HSE free walk-in vaccination clinics available over the next two weeks in Mayo, Sligo and Roscommon

The first dose of MMR is offered when children are 12 months of age and is available from GPs. A booster dose is offered by HSE school vaccination teams when children are in Junior Infants.

Two doses of MMR Vaccine in your lifetime are needed to give full protection. 

If a child has missed their MMR vaccines it’s not too late to get protected-this is especially important for anyone planning to travel outside Ireland. The vaccine should be administered two weeks prior to travel.

Specialist Registrar in Public Health with the HSE, Dr. Neil Hyland has been speaking to Midwest News Editor Teresa O’Malley, who asked Dr. Hyland about how effective the vaccination is in fighting measles:


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