Gardaí to host property marking event in Foxford tomorrow

October 18, 2024 | 10:37 am

property marking limerick 032 pic brian arthur photo 810x456 1

A property marking event will be hosted by North Mayo Gardaí in Foxford tomorrow.

This involved the marking of farm machinery and equipment with the owner’s eircode by a property marking machine.

The service has been introduced in response to the rising levels of theft in the agricultural sector.

According to An Garda Síochána, trailers are the most commonly stolen item of farm machinery.

This free service will be rolled out across the county over the coming months.

In addition, signs will be erected in the local communities.

The property marking event will take place tomorrow (Saturday October 19) on the grounds of Howley Warehousing on the Swinford Road, Foxford between 10:00am and 2:00pm.

Gardaí also say that if you can’t make tomorrow’s event, then don’t worry because the service will be returning to the area again.

(pic The Garda Post) 

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