Gusts of over 110 km/h recorded in Belmullet so far today

October 20, 2024 | 11:49 am

464071455 1054845232779113 7360969799677027434 n

Weather Alerts Ireland has issued a red warning for winds in two weather stations on the west coast.

As of 11:00am this morning the mean (average) wind speed in Belmullet is 80 km/h, while a gust of 111km/h has been recorded.

The situation is worse in Mace Head in County Galway, where the mean wind is 91 km/h – and gusts of 124 km/h .

Met Eireann criteria shows that the mean wind speed is graded as yellow from 50-56 km/h, orange from 65-80km/h and red above 80 km/h.

As for wind gusts, 90-110 km/h is rated yellow, 110-130 km/h is orange, while anything above 130 km/h is regarded as red.

(photo credit to Weather Alerts Ireland) 

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