Heroic Ballyhaunis man to be honoured with US naval ship memorial this weekend

July 27, 2024 | 10:23 am

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A native of Derrigtogher, Ballyhaunis who died in the Vietnam War will be commemorated this weekend with a US naval ship being named after him.

Cpl Patrick Gallagher was just 23 when he was killed in an ambush in De Nang in 1967.

The USS Patrick Gallagher, a new US naval vessel, will be named in his honour.

Patrick immigrated to the States in 1962, and was training to be a solicitor when the Vietnam War escalated.

Joining the American military, he was sent to Vietnam and served as corporal with the H Company of the 2nd Battalion of the 4th Marine Regiment.

After turning 22, he received the prestigious Navy Cross medal for bravery when his position near Cam Lo was attacked by North Vietnamese troops on July 18 1966, and he saved the lives of his comrades by ridding the area of grenades – throwing one away and jumping on another which, incredibly, didn’t go off. 

The following year, Mr. Gallagher did when he was killed in a firefight with enemy troops near to De Nang.

A large group from Ballyhaunis are in the US for today’s ceremony which will see the vessel christened at Bath Iron Works’ shipyard facilities in Bath, Maine.

The ceremony takes place at 4:00pm Irish time, and will be screened live locally in both the parochial house in Ballyhaunis and in Granlahan National School.

Later on this evening in the parochial hall there will be a social night in aid of Mayo SPCA from 8-10:00pm, with music, dancing and some recitation – all are welcome.

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