HIQA has issued legal proceedings against Western Care, the Mayo News reports

September 26, 2024 | 6:53 am

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Legal proceedings have been issued against the Western Care Association. It has been confirmed to The Mayo News that the Chief Inspector of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has issued the proceedings which allege the Mayo charity carried on the business of unregulated designated centre. 

The paper is reporting – earlier this year, HIQA issued a report on 35 of the 36 regulated centres operated by Western Care at that time. Those centres are not part of the current proceedings. Instead, the health watchdog has issued legal action in regard to unregulated centres operated by the charity.

In correspondence received by The Mayo News, the Western Care Association states it is not guilty of any of the offences alleged and will be fully contesting the proceedings. It continues, that as the matter is before the courts it would not be appropriate to comment further.

Mayo Sinn Fein TD Rose Conway Walsh said the situation is ‘very worrying’ and better services and supports for the people of Mayo are urgently required.

“It is a sad situation to see HIQA left with no choice but to take legal proceedings against Western Care.

“This is no reflection on the dedicated front-line staff who deliver supports and services to some of the most vulnerable people in our county.

“Current and former staff as well as people who rely on the services of Western Care had earlier this year raised very serious concerns about the unregulated services of Western Care.

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