HIQA inspection report of a Children’s Residential Centre in the West finds good level of compliance

December 16, 2024 | 10:48 am


Tusla – Child and Family Agency  has welcomed the publication of a HIQA inspection report of a children’s residential centre located in the West Region. HIQA assessed against 11 standards and found the service to be compliant with 9 standards and substantially compliant with 2 standards.

The residential centre aims to provide additional supports and interventions to young people in a safe and caring environment that is responsive to children’s needs. Overall, the inspection found that the children living in the centre were provided with good quality, child-centred care and support. 

 The centre is homely and the children are encouraged to help decorate their own bedrooms to their liking. There are effective governance and management systems in place, and staff are clear of their roles and responsibilities and feel supported in their work. The report noted that staff’s interaction with the children was warm and respectful.

The inspection also reported that the children were positive about their experiences in the centre and said that they ‘felt safe’. The children were aware of their rights, how to make complaints and were involved in decisions about their day-to-day care. Children said they were ‘‘treated with respect” and encouraged to express their views. Comments made by the children included “I can raise my views, and I can express my opinion” and “I couldn’t have asked for better keyworkers, they help me with everything”.

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