Last week, as part of Dementia Month, Home Instead CAREGivers in Mayo stepped into the shoes of people living with dementia thanks to Home Instead’s immersive dementia bus.
A highly visual and aural experience, participants were able to see, feel, and hear what the world can be like for a person living with dementia using specially designed equipment, which impaired their physical and sensory abilities.
Frances Maloney, General Manager at Home Instead Mayo said, “During Dementia Month we are giving CAREGivers access to City & Guilds Accredited dementia training, and they are also being trained to understand how different activities can be used to engage with those living with dementia. On top of their training, the dementia bus experience allows CAREGivers to further understand how it feels to live with dementia, all making sure we can continue to deliver the best quality care to our clients.”
The experience provided by the dementia bus is a scientifically and medically proven way of replicating dementia. Those who undergo it begin with gearing up: goggles, headphones and spiky insoles. They’re then asked to perform various tasks, but with a twist. Distorted vision, loud noises and sensory overload all recreate what it’s like to have dementia. Suddenly, everyday tasks we take for granted aren’t so simple.
CAREGivers were joined by office staff and family members of loved ones living with dementia. One CAREGiver said, “It is the best training experience I have ever had, I have gained so much knowledge today that I can use day to day”. With another saying, “It was a wonderful experience giving us a great insight into what our clients experience on a daily basis”.
For more information on Home Instead’s dementia care services or to learn how to become a Professional CAREGiver, visit or call 094 904 4785.