IFA discuss a range of issues with Senior Officials from the Agricultural Appeals office

November 26, 2024 | 4:56 pm

Farm Assist

IFA Deputy President Alice Doyle has met senior officials from the Agricultural Appeals Office to discuss a range of issues.

The Deputy President said they had a very open, positive and constructive meeting this week and committed to keeping our lines of communication open, particularly as the Independent Agricultural Appeals Panel kicks into operation, likely in early 2025, after the new Government is formed.”

She emphasised the importance of swift implementation of the Independent Agricultural Appeals panel, and the need for solid, practical farmer representation given the growing complexity of individual schemes, and also for its remit to be expanded significantly.

 Ms. Doyle also said she raised many of the IFA’s key concerns, particularly the complexity of schemes, including the role of third parties; ACRES and TAMS.

She has been giving more details to Midwest News this evening.

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