Inquest opened into drowning of artist at Old Head Beach last month

August 19, 2024 | 3:35 pm


A woman who drowned after going for a swim at a popular beach in Co. Mayo last month was described at a Coroner’s Court today (Monday) as “a lovely lady and a wonderful artist”.

Patrick O’Connor, Coroner for the District of Mayo, made the comments after opening an inquest at Swinford Courthouse into the death of Cathy Hughes, a prolific and talented artist who lived in Salthill, Galway, but was a native of Westport.

At a brief hearing, the medical cause of Ms. Hughes’s death at Old Head Beach, Louisburgh, on July 21 was given as asphyxia due to drowning.

No other evidence was given and the substantive inquest hearing was adjourned to a later date when additional evidence will be available.

The coroner expressed his deepest sympathy with the family of the deceased, her son, William and daughter, Isabelle, her grandchildren as well as the Hughes family, Westport “on the loss of a lovely lady and a talented artist”.

He said: “On the day of the All-Ireland hurling final Cathy went for a swim.

 “Whatever happened, she died from asphyxia due to drowning”.

Ms. Hughes was widely known for the quality and depth of her artistic work.

Her mother was Maura Kelly, a cousin of world famous actress Grace Kelly.

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