Irish Farmers’ Association representative says that a Retirement Scheme is a step in the right direction to encourage young people into the farming sector

August 27, 2024 | 11:55 am


The possibility of a retirement scheme for farmers is a step in the right direction.

That’s according to the Irish Farmers Association’s Farm Family & Social Affairs Chair Teresa Roche.

She says that this scheme is a must so that financial security and support can be given to the farmer as they step back from the everyday running of the farming enterprise.

This would provide a young person with the opportunity to take over the farm by having a healthy farming business, from which they can expand and develop the business.

Furthermore, as part of pre-Budget submissions, the IFA has proposals for the Government to implement tax incentives and income supports for young farmers who take over family farms.

Teresa Roche has been giving more information on the importance of a retirement scheme to Midwest Radio’s Rian Bailey:

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