South Mayo cllr Patsy O’Brien says that it’s not too late for the Government to change their mind on the VAT rate for the hospitality sector.
Businesses across the country were hoping that Budget 2025 would see a reduction in the VAT rate from 13.5% down to 9%.
That change did not transpire, and more businesses are being forced to close their doors on a weekly basis as they simply cannot afford to stay open in the current economic climate.
Cllr O’Brien, who has put his name forward to run in the General Election, says that the hospitality sector has taken “the full blunt” of difficulties in recent years and have essentially become “tax collectors for the state”.
He says that he was “sure and certain” that the Government would reduce the VAT rate, but seeing as that hasn’t happened he is now making a last minute call to change their mind.
The Finance Bill is being brought to Cabinet today, which will confirm plans that were outlined in Budget 2025 last week.
Cllr O’Brien has been outlining his plea to the Government to Midwest Radio’s Rian Bailey: