Lawless calls for more security at Ballinrobe Emergency Accommodation building following antisocial behaviour

November 23, 2024 | 4:22 pm


Aontú cllr and General Election candidate Paul Lawless has raised the issue once again of Garda staffing levels in Ballinrobe.

He says that there is a major concern locally regarding antisocial behaviour and safety at the former Railway Inn, which is being used currently for Emergency Accommodation.

Cllr Lawless raised issues at the recent Municipal District meeting in Claremorris, calling for an investigation into conditions at the former hotel and for full time security to be allocated for the safety of residents and the locals in Ballinrobe.

His motion was not seconded at the meeting and therefore silenced by Cathaoirleach Damien Ryan, according to cllr Lawless.

Cllr Lawless spoke to Midwest Radio’s Rian Bailey, and outlined the problems that are being faced by those using the former Railway Inn as accommodation:

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