Local Senator welcomes continued investment into health services locally, as funding announced for trauma unit at UHG and Merlin Park hospitals

October 14, 2024 | 12:56 pm


The Health Minister has announced details of the 4 million euro allocation for further implementation of the National Trauma Strategy announced in the budget.

The funding will cost 8 million euro in total up to 2026, and will assist 90 new staff at two major trauma centres in The Mater Hospital in Dublin and Cork University Hospital.

A trauma unit will be set up at University Hospital in Galway, along with the planned development for a unit at Merlin Park in Galway.

Further investment will be added for more staff at the trauma units at Our Lady’s hospital in Drogheda and University Hospital in Waterford.

Senator Lisa Chambers has welcomed the allocation of monies for a trauma unit in Galway.

She has been speaking to Midwest Radio’s Alannah Nolan….

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