Mayo branch of the IFA outline Budget 2025 recommendations to Mayo politicians this week

September 24, 2024 | 12:41 pm

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The Mayo branch of the Irish Farmers Association have been holding meeting with Mayo TDs this week ahead of Budget 2025.

The pre-budget submission concerns some of the main topics of farming news this year – such as the ACRES scheme and the Nature Restoration Law.

Chairperson of the Mayo branch of the IFA John Lynskey says that other issues being raised by Mayo farmers include the funding of the Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) which would help most farmers in the area.

Taxation issues like the Residential Zoned Land Tax need to be sorted out so active farmers are not levied, he says, and also has highlighted concerns on non-oral animal medicines and vaccines.

This forthcoming budget will be one of the most important for the farming sector in recent history, particularly down to the difficult weather conditions that 2024 has brought.

Mr. Lynskey has been speaking to Midwest Radio’s Rian Bailey about the association’s pre-budget submissions:

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