MEP Mullooly in the European Parliament last night called on the Irish government to re-prioritise the delivery of a sewerage treatment plant for Newport

November 14, 2024 | 12:21 pm


Independent Ireland MEP Ciaran Mullooly called for urgent intervention by the Irish Government  in the ongoing sewage pollution crisis in Newport Bay, during a European Parliament session last night.

He insisted that the issue, which has affected the town for decades, continues to violate key EU environmental directives, including the Water Framework Directive, with serious consequences for both the environment and public health.

Despite repeated promises from authorities, the upgrade of Newport’s wastewater treatment plant has been delayed until 2030, leaving the community at risk.

 “Raw sewage introduces harmful pathogens into local waters, endangering residents and tourists who swim or fish in these areas”, the MEP stated.

“Clew Bay’s marine life is being decimated by pollution. As an EU-designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC), it should be protected under EU law”.

This lunchtime Midwest News Editor Teresa O’Malley asked the MEP is there any immediate response to the situation following last night’s  discussion…


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