Mercosur deal highlights EU hypocrisy says INHFA

December 13, 2024 | 3:58 pm


The Irish Natura & Hill Farmers Association (INHFA) have labelled the EU Commission and their President Ursula von-der Leyen hypocrites following the signing of the Mercosur Trade deal between the EU and four Mercosur countries – Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Speaking on this National Vice President John Joe Fitzgerald stressed how “it is utterly shameful and shocking that the EU Commission is determined to drive ahead with a trade deal that is detrimental to nature, human health while damaging an extensive farming system that is the mainstay of our suckler beef sector.”  

This deal will he stated “see an additional 99,000t of beef enter the EU from farming systems that have and continue to fail in delivering for the environment, while at the same time Irish and European farmers are expected to comply with challenging demands around climate change and biodiversity loss, driven by Climate Agreements and the Nature Restoration Law.

John Joe Fitzgerald has been giving more details to Midwest Radio’s Michael D. McAndrew.

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