Michael O’Leary’s comments over teachers in the Dail has now put education front and centre in election campaign, according to local INTO rep

November 11, 2024 | 12:35 pm

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Ryanair boss, Michael O’Leary, is doubling down on comments he made about teachers becoming TDs.

Speaking at a campaign event for Fine Gael’s Peter Burke, he criticised the number of teachers working in the Dail, and said he wouldn’t employ them “to go out and get things done”.

His comments have received backlash from teachers unions and politicians, while Taoiseach, Simon Harris, says he doesn’t agree with the businessman.

Michael O’Leary is standing by his views:


INTO rep for Galway/Roscommon Gerry Murray says the Ryanair boss has now put education front and centre in the upcoming election campaign.

He told Midwest Radio’s Alannah Nolan that a lot of skilled teachers that left the country in recent years should now be incentivised to come back…


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