Midwest News Lunchtime Debate series with Election Candidates gets underway today

November 13, 2024 | 8:38 am

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As of today 16 candidates have declared in the five-seat constituency of Mayo in the General Election

But there could be further candidates.

 Nominations will close this Saturday, November 16.

 Fine Gael have four candidates in the running…Minister Alan Dillon, Councillor Mark Duffy, Martina Jennings and Keira Keogh.

Fianna Fail has two – Minister Dara Calleary and Senator Lisa Chambers.

Sinn Fein is running two candidates…Deputy Rose Conway Walsh and councillor Gerry Murray.

Independent Ireland is pinning their hopes on Councillor Chris Maxwell.

 Michael ‘Boxty’ O’ Connell is the Green Party candidate while Joe Daly is the candidate of choice for People Before Profit.

Aontu has put forward Councillor Paul Lawless.

There are four Independents candidates in the field – Councillor Patsy O’Brien, Stephen Kerr, Gerry Loftus and Sean Forkin.

Midwest Radio News is offering  all candidates an oportunity to air their views in debates which will be broadcast in the run-up to polling day, November 29.

 And on today’s first Lunchtime Debates with the candidates at 1pm   – its the turn of Dara Calleary, Mark Duffy and Paul Lawless to discuss the issues on  the minds of voters

If you have a question for the panel please ring us at 0949630985, or email news@midwestradio.ie

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