Near to 400 work permits granted to Dawn Meats so far this year

August 2, 2024 | 1:57 pm

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Over 2,200 work permits have been issued to the agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors for the first seven months of this year.

That’s according to data compiled by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment which shows that 402 permits were granted during the month of July alone.

This was the second highest monthly figure, behind the 591 handed out in February.

23,820 were handed out by the Department across all economic sectors so far this year, with the third highest coming in the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector with health and social work (8,286) and information and communication activities (4,033) ahead.

The latest statistics show that Dawn Meats, which operates a plant in Ballyhaunis, has been issued with 393 working permits this year.

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