GE24: No surprises so far in Mayo with three outgoing TDs looking set to retain seats

November 30, 2024 | 12:11 pm

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The three outgoing TDs look to be the happiest from tally figures so far across Mayo.

Alan Dillon (Fine Gael) and Rose Conway Walsh (Sinn Féin) are polling best, with Dillon set to receive close to 6,000 votes in Castlebar.

Conway Walsh is polling well thus far across Castlebar, Ballina and Belmullet areas.

Dara Calleary is close behind and looks set to retain a Fianna Fáil seat, with a strong improvement this time around in Belmullet.

Fine Gael’s Mark Duffy is polling well too and is currently in position for the fourth seat.

Lisa Chambers (FF) is in a strong position for a seat, while Stephen Kerr (Independent), Paul Lawless (Aontú) and Keira Keogh (Fine Gael) are all climbing.

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