Nursing Homes in Mayo and surrounding counties were the worst hit last year with a number of closures

November 29, 2024 | 7:58 am


The worst hit Nursing Homes in the country in 2023 were located in counties Mayo, Galway and Roscommon.

That’s according to a report from advisory firm BDO Ireland, which conducted research on behalf of representative body Nursing Homes Ireland.

The report shows that eight nursing homes across Mayo, Galway and Roscommon closed down in 2023, with just one new opening.

More than half of nursing homes across the country did not report a profit last year, despite the 32,239 registered beds representing a rise of 1.6% in two years.

Financial pressures, according  to the report, have threatened the sustainability of many homes, with smaller operations and ones located in rural areas being the worst hit.

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