Planning refused for a 19 unit housing development in Castlebar

July 31, 2024 | 10:45 am

Aras an Chontae

Mayo County Council has refused planning permission for the development of 19 apartments in Castlebar at the site of the former Coal Bunker, North of the junction of the Pontoon and Turlough road in the town.

The application by Harold Conway Fintan Morrin, McHale Retail Park, Castlebar sought permission to construct 10 two-bedroom and 9 one-bedroom apartments together with pedestrian and cycle access and associated works at the site.

The local authority cited a number of reasons for its decision to refuse the application that can now be appealed to An Bord Pleanala .

The reasons for refusal included a potential traffic hazard due to its location, the land is zoned Enterprise and Employment and would materially contravene the town plan if housing was developed on it.

In addition the proposed development was deemed “visually obtrusive” and was viewed as an “excessively high density” for a housing scheme.

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