Polling stations now open for the 2024 General Election

November 29, 2024 | 7:10 am


Polls are now opening in the General Election.

Polling stations across the country will be open until late tonight.

Polling hours are between 7:00am and 10:00pm this evening.

People need to bring identification to the polling stations and are asked to bring their polling cards – though you can vote without them.

When you get into the polling booth put a number one beside your first choice, two beside your second and so on down the ballot.

Putting Xs or ticks next to candidates could mean your vote is not valid.

Any writing on the ballot paper may lead to your vote being declared spoiled.

Nearly 3.7 million people are eligible to vote today for the almost 700 candidate across the country.

16 candidates are running in County Mayo, with five seats up for grabs.


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