Repairs have been completed on Granlahan Public Water Supply this morning

November 11, 2024 | 12:56 pm

Uisce Eireann network repairs

Uisce Éireann crews have successfully carried out repairs on the Granlahan Public Water Supply and water is returning to customers. 

A mechanical failure on the supply had impacted customers in Cloonfad, Granlahan, Ballinlough, Cloonbonniffe, Trien, Loughglynnn, Lisacul and surrounding areas this morning.

However, repairs were completed this morning, and the system is now recharging. 

Uisce Éireann acknowledges the inconvenience caused by interruptions to the water supply and we very much appreciate our customers’ co-operation while our crews worked to carry out the repairs. 

The network is replenishing and supply is returning to customers, but it may take a number of hours before a normal supply is returned to all, especially those at the end of the network or on higher ground.

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