Sligo private school hikes prices by almost 20% after exclusion from grant funding

December 23, 2024 | 7:46 am

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The Sligo Grammar School has hiked its fees this year up 19%, due to rising costs and exclusion from Department of Education grants.

This increase applies to day pupils whose fees this year stand at €4,900, while there’s also been a 10% increase for borders up to €11,700.

It’s the only Protestant-run secondary school west of the Shannon, with 490 students between day pupils and boarders.

The problems facing Sligo Grammar School are echoed throughout the country, with significant rises cited in year-on-year fees.

This morning’s Irish Times shows that day fees at Sligo Grammar have increased the most in the country, while Glenstal Abbey in Limerick is the most expensive for day boarders at €13,933 (including meals and evening study).

The next highest fees for day boarders can be paid in schools across Dublin – St. Columba’s College in Dublin 16 (€10,770), King’s Hospital in Dublin 20 (€8,910) and Alexandra College in Dublin 6 (€8,726).

The most expensive boarding school is St. Columba’s College, which will cost €28,966.

(pic credit to Sligo Grammar School Facebook) 

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