Straide Talking Christmas Gathering takes place next weekend

December 7, 2024 | 3:25 pm

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Straide Talking Christmas Gathering is going ahead on Sunday December 15TH at 11.45 am in the  Straide Davitt Community Centre. 

There was some concern if this year’s event would go ahead following the heavy flooding the centre endured in November.

However, due to strong community volunteerism the community Hall is back up and running and ready to host this special annual event.

Straide Talking gives neighbours and friends a unique opportunity to take a little time out and meet together. 

The Women’s Group is hosting this event to give all Straide people an opportunity to take an hour out to enjoy a chat with neighbours. 

Festive cakes and bakes will add to the occasion along with some tunes from talented local musicians.

Rosa Meehan has been giving more details about the event to Midwest Radio’s Michael D. McAndrew….

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