Castlebar native, Enoch Burke will be fined 1 thousand 400 euro per day if he returns to Wilsons Hospital School in County Westmeath.
The High Court today ordered the schoolteacher’s release from Mountjoy Prison, on the basis he comply with the court order to stay away from his former workplace.
In his ruling Mr Justice David Nolan said Enoch Burke was in prison because he was choosing to be in prison by failing to agree to the court order.
He said today was one of the rare occasions where coercive imprisonment should stop, at least for the moment.
The judge said Enoch Burke was a talented and a highly intelligent man, and his talents had been wasted, due to an entirely misguided belief.
The court heard that Wilson’s Hospital School is due to reopen on the 6th of January, and a fine of one thousand four hundred euro will be imposed per day if Enoch Burke continues to disobey the court order and show up at the school.