Voters encouraged to ensure their ballot paper has been stamped before they cast their vote

November 15, 2024 | 7:57 am

Annmarie Courell

When a voter is handed his / her ballot paper on Friday November 29th on polling day in the polling station they are encouraged to check that the ballot paper has been stamped.

If it’s not stamped, your vote is of no value and won’t impact on the result of the General Election.

That’s the advice from Mayo County Registrar and Mayo Returning Officer for the 2024 General Election, Dr Ann Marie Courrell.

Dr Courrell is also encouraging voters to get the maximum impact from their vote by using the PR system and voting 1-16 , if there are 16, or whatever number of  candidates on the ballot paper  in Mayo on polling day.

 Midwest News Editor Teresa O’Malley asked Dr Courrell for advice for the voter, two weeks from today ( Friday 29th)….

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