Woman dies following drowning incident at Old Head Beach near Louisburgh

July 21, 2024 | 6:50 pm


A woman has been confirmed deceased this evening (Sunday) following a drowning accident in Co. Mayo.

The victim, who is believed to be in her 60s, lost her life at the popular Old Head beach near Louisburgh.

She was wearing a wet suit when taken from the water and it is believed she had been swimming at the time.

The alarm was raised some time after 4:00 p.m.

Members of the Order of Malta from Louisburgh and Westport were among the first on the scene along with members of the local coastguard and rendered assistance.

The body is being taken this evening to Mayo University Hospital.

A coroner has been notified and he has instructed that a post mortem will take place.

An inquest will be held in due course.

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